Friday, March 25, 2011


                   Σημερινές ανακοινώσεις του CDC,USA και του Αμερικανικού FDA    
για τα μέτρα που εγγυώνται την προάσπιση του πληθυσμού από τους κινδύνους του πυρηνικού αντιδραστήρα της Ιαπωνίας    

11 ημέρες μετά το ατύχημα στην Φουκουσίμα  και ενώ  οξύνονται   οι παγκόσμιες ανησυχίες για ραδιενεργές μολύνσεις στον Ιαπωνικό πληθυσμό και στην παγκόσμια κοινότητα  μέσω διακίνησης τροφίμων και ταξιδιωτών , το CDC της Ατλάντα ενημερώνει κατ αρχήν με σημερινή δημοσίευση στο  medscape τους κλινικούς επιστήμονες  για την αντιμετώπιση ραδιενεργών μολύνσεων Ανακοινώνει ότι ειδικά πρωτόκολλα εκδίδονται ήδη για τα αεροδρόμια και ,ως CDC , δεσμεύεται για την ασφάλεια στην διακίνηση τροφίμων και φαρμάκων από την Ιαπωνία  σε συνεργασία με το FDA το οποίο επίσης σήμερα ανακοινώνει πως  τα εισαγόμενα προιόντα θα ελεγχονται διεξοδικά -με βάση τις ημερομηνίες- για κάθε πιθανή φάση  μόλυνσης στην αλυσίδα της παραγωγής .


Σύμφωνα με την  ανακοίνωση που ακολούθησε πολύωρη τηλεφωνική σύσκεψη μεταξύ των ειδικών του CDC

-αν σε  ταξιδιώτη από την Ιαπωνία  εντοπιστούν επίπεδα μόλυνσης, το CDC θα συστήσει από-μόλυνση, συγκέντρωση στοιχείων και follow up  παρακολούθηση

-εντός της εβδομάδος θα τεθούν σε ισχύ ειδικά πρωτόκολλα για το screening στα αεροδρόμια από το CDC επιπλεόν του screening ρουτίνας που πραγματοποιείται στα Τελωνεία σε ταξιδιώτες από Ιαπωνία και στις επισκευές τους

- η χρήση  του ΚΙ συστήνεται από την ειδική επιτροπή του  CDC , δύο ώρες πριν την αναμενόμενη έκθεση σε ραδιενεργό υλικό και εως 3 ώρες μετά την έκθεση και  διευκρινίζεται ότι προσφέρει κάλυψη για 24 ώρες .Το CDC τονίζει ότι η λήψη του σκευάσματος  δεν αποτελέι  το πρώτο μέτρο αντιμετώπισης ,που είναι η άμεση εκκένωση της ραδιενεργής  περιοχής , και επισήμως απαντά ότι
α. δεν είναι εις γνώσιν του Οργανισμού  τι αποθέματα ΚΙ διαθέτει η κάθε πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ
β.   το CDC  ΔΕΝ  κοινοποιεί πληροφορία για το πόσα στρατηγικά εθνικά αποθέματα  υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα        



Με σημερινό  Ιmport Alert  το FDA  

-        -δεσμέυεται ότι σε όλες τις πύλες  εισόδου από την Ιαπωνία το FDA  θα εξετάζει όλα τα τρόφιμα και τις τροφές  που προέρχονται από την πληγείσα περιοχή

-        σε συντονισμό με εξελιγμένο σύστημα επιτήρησης , το FDA σε συνεργασία με το προσωπικό των Τελωνείων θα επιτηρεί κάθε ειδκό φορτίο που εισάγεται από την Ιαπωνια ώστε να διαπιστωθεί αν χρειάζεται περαιτέρω εξέταση για πιθανούς κινδύνους ραδιενεργόυς μόλυνσης

-        μέχρι τώρα , σύμφωνα με το FDA δεν υπάρχουν ανησυχίες  για τα προιόντα από την Ιαπωνία που μέχρι σήμερα έχουν εισαχθεί και διανεμηθεί στις ΗΠΑ .

-        Το FDA επιπλέον συνεχίζει να συγκεντρώνει δεδομένα για όλα τα προιόντα που έχουν εγκριθεί να εισάγονται από την Ιαπωνία στις ΗΠΑ  και για τον ακριβή τόπο και τις συνθήκες καλλιέργειάς τους  , συγκομιδής και παραγωγής ώστε να προσδιορίζονται όλοι οι πιθανοί κίνδυνοι και στο μέλλον

-        Το FDA σκοπέυει να αναπτύξει μια στρατηγική παρακολούθησης  που θα περιλαμβάνει ηυξημένο και στοχευμένο δειγματισμό προιόντων στα σύνορα

-        Οι εισαγωγές από την Ιαπωνία στις ΗΠΑ διευκρινίζεται ότι αφορουν τρόφιμα στο 60% , με τα συχνότερα προιόντα να είναι ψαρικά , ξηροί καρποί και φρουτα και σνακ φουντ, ενώ αλλες εισαγωγές αφορουν τρόφιμα και φάρμακα ζώων, ζωοτροφές , ιατρικά μηχανήματα, προιόντα περιορισμού ραδιενέργειας , καλλυντικά, διατητικά προιόντα , φάρμακα και βιολογικά προιόντα


Τα επίπεδα ραδιενέργειας στην Ελλάδα

Η έκρηξη στον πυρηνικό αντιδραστήρα στην Ιαπωνία μετά τον μεγάλο σεισμό, ανησύχησε πολύ κόσμο. Πως μπορούμε να ξέρουμε αν κινδυνεύουμε από πιθανή διαρροή ραδιενέργειας;

Αν και η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται πολύ μακριά για να επηρεαστεί, μπορούμε να παρακολουθούμε τα επίπεδα ραδιενέργειας που δείχνουν οι σταθμοί του Δικτύου Μέτρησης Ραδιενέργειας ΕΔΩ (κάνοντας κλίκ στον κάθε σταθμό βλέπουμε τις μετρήσεις μιας εβδομάδας).
Συγκεντρωτικός πίνακας με τις μετρήσεις όλων των σταθμών βρίσκεται
Οι μετρήσεις αναφέρονται σε νανο-σίβερτ ανά ώρα (
nSv/h) – ο ρυθμός ισοδύναμης δόσης. Ο άνθρωπος δέχεται καθημερινά ραδιενεργό ακτινοβολία από το έδαφος και τα οικοδομικά υλικά. Για παράδειγμα ο ρυθμός της ολόσωμης ισοδύναμης δόσης από το εξωτερικό περιβάλλον σε καθημερινές συνθήκες είναι κάποιες δεκάδες nSv ανά ώρα.
Τί είναι το Δίκτυο Μέτρησης Ραδιενέργειας;
Το τηλεμετρικό δίκτυο χρησιμοποιείται για τη συνεχή καταγραφή των μετρήσεων, αλλά και ως σύστημα συναγερμού σε περίπτωση υπέρβασης των προκαθορισμένων φυσιολογικών επιπέδων.
Η κατανομή των σταθμών του τηλεμετρικού δικτύου μέτρησης ραδιενέργειας περιβάλλοντος εξασφαλίζει τη συνεχή επόπτευση των επιπέδων ραδιενέργειας στην Ελλάδα, την έγκαιρη ειδοποίηση σε περίπτωση ραδιενεργού ρύπανσης στο περιβάλλον και τη δυνατότητα εκτίμησης της εναπόθεσης ραδιενεργών ρύπων. Η μέση απόσταση μεταξύ δύο διαδοχικών σταθμών στην κατεύθυνση Ανατολή-Δύση, είναι περίπου 60
km. Για κάθε ένα από τα τρία επιμέρους συστήματα κατάλληλο λογισμικό συλλέγει τις μετρήσεις κάθε 10 λεπτά και τις καταχωρεί σε βάση δεδομένων. Η βάση αυτή είναι συνδεδεμένη με την ιστοσελίδα της ΕΕΑΕ (Ελληνική Επιτροπή Ατομικής Ενέργειας), όπου δημοσιεύονται οι μέσες ημερήσιες τιμές σε πίνακες τιμών.
Μετά την καταχώρησή τους στην κεντρική βάση δεδομένων μετρήσεων ραδιενέργειας της ΕΕΑΕ, οι μέσες μηνιαίες τιμές της ολικής – γ ακτινοβολίας στον αέρα ανά σταθμό δημοσιεύονται και στα Δελτία της Εθνικής Στατιστικής Υπηρεσίας.
Το τηλεμετρικό δίκτυο ελέγχου ραδιενέργειας περιβάλλοντος στην Ελλάδα αποτελείται συνολικά από 27 σταθμούς μέτρησης.
Διαβάστε την
 τελευταία ανακοίνωση της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Ατομικής Ενέργειας σχετικά με το ατύχημα στην Ιαπωνία.

Voice of America



Russia Bans Food Imports From 6 Japanese Prefectures

 Russia says it has banned Japanese food imports from six prefectures of Japan in response to excessive radiation detected in food products from those regions, which surround an earthquake- and tsunami-damaged nuclear plant.

consumer protection agency said Thursday it imposed the ban in response to radioactivity readings from the World Health Organization and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. 

It says the readings showed levels of iodine and cesium exceeding the permissible level in food from the six prefectures, including Chiba, Gunma, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Nagano and Tochigi. 

Russia says another factor behind the import suspension is Japan's own ban on internal sales of raw milk and some vegetables from the affected regions. There have been no reports of contaminated Japanese foodstuffs reaching Russian ports. 

In another development
, the Russian news agency Interfax quotes a consumer protection official as saying a cargo ship arrived in Russia's Far East with excessive radiation after passing near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. 

Gennady Onishchenko said Thursday the Panamanian-flagged vessel had delivered Russian timber to Japan before returning to the port of Vanino in Russia's Khabarovsk territory on Wednesday.  He said inspectors found radiation levels three times above the limit in the ship's engine rooms, while its cabins were normal. 
Onishchenko says the vessel is in quarantine and its crew of 18 Russians and one Ukrainian have been put under medical supervision.  He says no changes to their health have been detected. 

The United States announced a ban Tuesday on all milk products, fresh fruit and vegetables from four radiation-affected Japanese prefectures, including Fukushima, Gunma, Ibaraki and Tochigi.  The Food and Drug Administration says Japan accounts for about 4 percent of foods imported to the United States.

Elsewhere, France has asked the European Commission to impose "systematic controls" on Japanese fresh produce reaching European bordersChina and South Korea also have stepped up radioactivity inspections of Japanese food imports.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.


No, the Amount of Radiation Released from the Japanese Nuclear Reactors is NOT "Safe"

Just as with the Gulf oil spill - where BP, government spokesmen and mainstream talking heads spewed happy talk about how "benign" the dispersants were and how all the oil had disappeared - there is now an avalanche of statements that the radiation is at "safe" doses for everyone outside of the immediate vicinity of Fukushima.

For example, Japanese government call-in advice lines are telling people to simplyrinse off any produce covered with radioactive dust.

Ann Coulter claims that radiation is good for you
It is not very confidence-inspiring that:
EPA officials, however, refused to answer questions or make staff members available to explain the exact location and number of monitors, or the levels of radiation, if any, being recorded at existing monitors in California.
Or that the EPA has pulled 8 of its 18 radiation monitors in California, Oregon and Washington because (by implication) they are giving readings which seem too high.
What Levels of Radiation Are Being Released?
So what levels of radiation are being released at Fukushima?
New Scientist reports that the radioactive fallout from Japan is approaching Chernobyl levels:
Japan's damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors – designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests – to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. The daily amount of caesium-137 released from Fukushima Daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from Chernobyl.
Tyler Durden points out that - when you consider the fact that the amount of Caesium-137 released at Fukushima in the first 3-4 days of the crisis amounted to 50% that released by Chernobyl over 10 days - the real run rate of the radiation released at Fukushima is now about 120-150% the figure released by the Chernobyl explosion.

There are other signs of high levels radiation. See this and this. And it is important to remember that the amount of radioactive fuel at Fukushima dwarfs Chernobyl.
This Could Continue for a While
Many experts say that it could take months to contain Fukushima. See this andthis. And therefore, high radiation levels might continue to be released for some time.

Evidence for the fact that a quick fix is unlikely is widespread. For example, reactors 1, 2, 3 and 4 were all leaking steam yesterday.

There was some indication that reactors 5 and 6 are leaking as well. As Kyodo Newsreports:
The firm [Tokyo Electric Power Company] also said it found both iodine-131 and cesium-137 in a sample taken from near the drain outlets of the plant's No. 5 and No. 6 reactors that stabilized Sunday in so-called ''cold shutdown.''
CNN notes today:
Authorities in Japan raised the prospect Friday of a likely breach in the all-important containment vessel of the No. 3 reactor at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a potentially ominous development in the race to prevent a large-scale release of radiation.
The cores of reactors 1 and 3 appear to be leaking as well.
This is not to say that there will be a full meltdown which sends radioactive plumes high into the stratosphere. I am assuming that will not happen. But the release of radioactivity is severe and ongoing.
But Low Doses of Radiation Are Safe ... Aren't They?
While most would dismiss as crackpot ramblings Coulter's claim that radiation isgood for you, what about the pervasive claims that the amount of radiation which has been released is so low that it is "safe" for people outside of the immediate vicinity of Fukushima?
Physicians for Social Responsibility notes:
According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual’s risk for the development of cancer.
“There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”
“Consuming food containing radionuclides is particularly dangerous. If an individual ingests or inhales a radioactive particle, it continues to irradiate the body as long as it remains radioactive and stays in the body,”said Alan H. Lockwood, MD, a member of the Board of Physicians for Social Responsibility.


Radiation can be concentrated many times in the food chain and any consumption adds to the cumulative risk of cancer and other diseases.
John LaForge notes:
The National Council on Radiation Protection says, “… every increment of radiation exposure produces an incremen­tal increase in the risk of cancer.” The Environmental Protection Agency says, “… any exposure to radiation poses some risk, i.e. there is no level below which we can say an exposure poses no risk.” The Department of Energy says about “low levels of radiation” that “… the major effect is a very slight increase in cancer risk.” The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says, “any amount of radiation may pose some risk for causing cancer ... any increase in dose, no matter how small, results in an incremental increase in risk.” The National Academy of Sciences, in its “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation VII,” says, “... it is unlikely that a threshold exists for the induction of cancers ....”
Long story short, “One can no longer speak of a ‘safe’ dose level,” as Dr. Ian Fairlie and Dr. Marvin Resnikoff said in their report “No dose too low,” in theBulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
And Brian Moench, MD, writes:
Administration spokespeople continuously claim "no threat" from the radiation reaching the US from Japan, just as they did with oil hemorrhaging into the Gulf. Perhaps we should all whistle "Don't worry, be happy" in unison. A thorough review of the science, however, begs a second opinion.
That the radiation is being released 5,000 miles away isn't as comforting as it seems.... Every day, the jet stream carries pollution from Asian smoke stacks and dust from the Gobi Desert to our West Coast, contributing 10 to 60 percent of the total pollution breathed by Californians, depending on the time of year. Mercury is probably the second most toxic substance known after plutonium. Half the mercury in the atmosphere over the entire US originates in China. It, too, is 5,000 miles away. A week after a nuclear weapons test in China, iodine 131 could be detected in the thyroid glands of deer in Colorado, although it could not be detected in the air or in nearby vegetation.
The idea that a threshold exists or there is a safe level of radiation for human exposure began unraveling in the 1950s when research showed one pelvic x-ray in a pregnant woman could double the rate of childhood leukemia in an exposed baby. Furthermore, the risk was ten times higher if it occurred in the first three months of pregnancy than near the end. This became the stepping-stone to the understanding that the timing of exposure was even more critical than the dose. The earlier in embryonic development it occurred, the greater the risk.
A new medical concept has emerged, increasingly supported by the latest research, called "fetal origins of disease," that centers on the evidence that a multitude of chronic diseases, including cancer, often have their origins in the first few weeks after conception by environmental insults disturbing normal embryonic development. It is now established medical advice that pregnant women should avoid any exposure to x-rays, medicines or chemicals when not absolutely necessary, no matter how small the dose, especially in the first three months.
"Epigenetics" is a term integral to fetal origins of disease, referring to chemical attachments to genes that turn them on or off inappropriately and have impacts functionally similar to broken genetic bonds. Epigenetic changes can be caused by unimaginably small doses - parts per trillion - be it chemicals, air pollution, cigarette smoke or radiation. Furthermore, these epigenetic changes can occur within minutes after exposure and may be passed on to subsequent generations.
The Endocrine Society, 14,000 researchers and medical specialists in more than 100 countries, warned that "even infinitesimally low levels of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, indeed, any level of exposure at all, may cause endocrine or reproductive abnormalities, particularly if exposure occurs during a critical developmental window. Surprisingly, low doses may even exert more potent effects than higher doses." If hormone-mimicking chemicals at any level are not safe for a fetus, then the concept is likely to be equally true of the even more intensely toxic radioactive elements drifting over from Japan, some of which may also act as endocrine disruptors.
Many epidemiologic studies show that extremely low doses of radiation increase the incidence of childhood cancers, low birth-weight babies, premature births, infant mortality, birth defects and even diminished intelligence. Just two abdominal x-rays delivered to a male can slightly increase the chance of his future children developing leukemia. By damaging proteins anywhere in a living cell, radiation can accelerate the aging process and diminish the function of any organ. Cells can repair themselves, but the rapidly growing cells in a fetus may divide before repair can occur, negating the body's defense mechanism and replicating the damage.
Comforting statements about the safety of low radiation are not even accurate for adults. Small increases in risk per individual have immense consequences in the aggregate. When low risk is accepted for billions of people, there will still be millions of victims. New research on risks of x-rays illustrate the point.
Radiation from CT coronary scans is considered low, but, statistically, it causes cancer in one of every 270 40-year-old women who receive the scan. Twenty year olds will have double that rate. Annually, 29,000 cancers are caused by the 70 million CT scans done in the US. Common, low-dose dental x-rays more than double the rate of thyroid cancer. Those exposed to repeated dental x-rays have an even higher risk of thyroid cancer.
Beginning with Madam Curie, the story of nuclear power is one where key players have consistently miscalculated or misrepresented the risks of radiation. The victims include many of those who worked on the original Manhattan Project, the 200,000 soldiers who were assigned to eye witness our nuclear tests, the residents of the Western US who absorbed the lion's share of fallout from our nuclear testing in Nevada, the thousands of forgotten victims of Three Mile Island or the likely hundreds of thousands of casualties of Chernobyl. This could be the latest chapter in that long and tragic story when, once again, we were told not to worry.
Note: People who rationally discuss the hazards from nuclear accidents are dismissed as "anti-nuclear". However, that is like saying that people who are against pilots drinking tequila during flights are anti-flying. As Bloomberg points out, the operator of the Fukushima reactors faked safety tests and results and cut every corner in the books for decades, just as BP cut every safety corner prior to the Gulf oil spill. Moreover, the Fukushima reactors were not designed to withstand an earthquake or a tsunami, and their peculiar design makes the spent fuel rods an even greater danger than the reactors themselves. 

Demanding a safer design - e.g. thorium reactors - and ongoing maintenance and safety tests doesn't mean one is anti-nuclear.
reposted from here /αναδημοσίευση απο εδω/

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